Ticket Information
Ticket Size
One ticket can cover a linear distance of up to one mile on a street and up to 150 feet in either direction along crossing streets that are identified in the ticket.
One ticket can include up to five individual addresses as long as the linear distance from the first address to the last is one mile or less. For example, a single ticket can cover work being done at the addresses below: 2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2009 Main Street. List the individual address numbers in the Locate section.
One locate ticket may cover an area of undeveloped land of no more than one square mile, provided that the boundaries of the undeveloped land area where the work is to be performed are described on the ticket. This ticket may also include work to be performed on any single street or right-of-way bordering the area of undeveloped land. Work to be performed on an additional bordering street or right-of-way requires a separate ticket.
Ticket Type
Normal Tickets
Use for dig sites on dry land.
Request two full business days before digging. Weekends and holidays not included in the waiting period.
Tickets requested earlier will be released at the appropriate time.
When you need to renew a standard ticket, do not include any areas that are finished. You can add areas.
Emergency Tickets
In an emergency situation, excavators are required to notify the utility owner immediately. Members will request an emergency ticket in response to an emergency situation. Work-scheduling problems are not considered an emergency. Member utilities and approved excavators can request emergency tickets using Internet Ticket Entry. All others should call 811.
An emergency is defined in s.556.109(2), F.S. as:
Any condition constituting a clear and present danger to life or property;
Any situation caused by the escape of any substance transported by means of an underground facility;
Any interruption of vital public service or communication caused by any break or defect in a member’s underground facility; or
Any impairment of public roads or utilities that requires immediate repair, as determined by FDOT or another affected political subdivision.
Underwater Tickets
Use when all or a portion of the excavation will be underwater and cannot be marked with paint, stakes or flags.
Request 10 full business days before digging. Weekends and holidays not included in the waiting period.
Tickets requested earlier will be released at the appropriate time.
Two ticket are issued when dig site is partly on dry land and partly underwater.
Design Tickets
A design ticket is a non‐excavation ticket. Request a standard ticket prior to doing any digging.
Utilities are NOT required to respond to a design ticket. To arrange for design services, contact the utility using the contact information provided.
Design service arrangements are between you and the utility. Any payments for design services must be made directly to the member.
Design tickets are free for associate members and members. The cost of associate membership is $150.
Design services levels adapted from the January 1999 Florida Department of Transportation’s Utility Accommodation Manual (UAM), Document Number 710-020-001-d and are summarized below.
Review of utility records (Level D in UAM) - Information obtained from a review of utility records. This information does not show all underground facilities or structures for a given area.
Topographic surveying of above ground utility features (Level C in UAM) - Topographic survey of visible, above-ground utility features such as poles, hydrants, valve boxes, circuit breakers, etc.
Designating technologies to obtain the horizontal underground facility location (Level B in UAM) - a horizontal layout of underground facilities using ground scanning equipment (i.e. equipment used by locators.)
Physical exposure of the underground facility (Level A in UAM) - Physically exposing the underground facilities using manual, mechanical and nondestructive (e.g. vacuum excavation) methods to expose the facilities.
ATTENTION UTILITY LOCATORS: Some work done by design firms involves digging.